It seems like I've had someplace to go virtually every night for the last couple of weeks with no end in sight. For example, Tuesday night was band practice, Wednesday night was church nominating committee, last night was a band concert at a church with
delightful acoustics (and it went surprisingly well, thank you very much), tonight there's an advocate for religious liberty speaking at our church, tomorrow night there's an ice cream social in honor of a young church member who just graduated from our local college and will soon be moving away, and Sunday night several of my young friends will be performing in an end-of-year recital of The Magic Flute. Monday night the nominating committee meets again and Tuesday night brings us back to band practice. Okay, okay, I'll stop with the litany already!
Anyway, after getting back late from the concert last night, I stayed up waaaaay past bedtime enjoying a long phone conversation with C, then was up this morning after only about 4 hours of sleep. So far so good today, though; I've been taking advantage of today's cooler temperatures and made a couple of pans of lasagna (one for the freezer for when our house fills up at the end of the month and one for tonight), got a batch of yogurt going in the yogurt maker, baked 6 loaves of bread and mixed up a bowl of carrot/raisin/pineapple/walnut salad for potluck. Oh, and, just for good measure, rinsed out the two kid-sized shirts I tie-dyed yesterday afternoon and, in a nod to summertime vanity, took my first stab at using a chemical self-tanner. How that actually turns out remains to be seen...