Monday, July 28, 2008

Back on the water

Thanks to the urgings of our visiting daughter and grandchildren, we were able to get our double kayak out on the water--only with little ones along it acted as a "triple" and even a "quad" this time!

Note to self: do not envy the owners of those "deep water frontage" homes we paddled past ... just keep reminding yourself of their astronomical property tax bills... =:O

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy little tree climber

Happy tree climber, originally uploaded by LarryandJean.

For such a tiny little thing, Maribeth is a mighty confident climber. She loved climbing high up in the old apple tree in the backyard--this was back when we had sunshine...before the deluge that has kept us indoors began.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Third cousins

Third cousins, originally uploaded by LarryandJean.

We're just back from a family reunion and I simply had to share this photo of the group of third cousins who were there. When the photo was taken most of them were still damp from swimming !